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Sacred Touch Massage 

Women Only

Sacred Touch is a massage for women who wish to receive a transmission to reawaken their sensuality & to utilise the healing power of touch to soften where they may  be armoured, rigid or tense. Through combining prayer, gentle touch, hot stones & the ritual anointing of the body with sacred oils the massage offers women a homecoming into the delight of being more connected to their body

Through Touch & sensitive presence the body softens & opens to the vast mystery within, this opening can reveal  sadness, delight, pleasure, grief, anger, aliveness, memories of past lives & more

The Healing fire of Kundalini flows through the session bringing to the surface anything that needs to be acknowledged, felt or expressed.

The intention of this offerings  to ignite the memory of the body as sacred, returning to the presence of love in every tissue, every cell & every bone 

Cost 120euros ( 1.5hours)

If you would like to ask any questions or chat to Clara about booking a massage please get in touch Via WhatsApp 0873694509