Clara is a 500 hour registered teacher with Yoga Alliance Professionals. This accreditation demonstrates excellent standards as set by Yoga Alliance Professionals.
Clara is a 500 hour registered teacher with Yoga Alliance Professionals. This accreditation demonstrates excellent standards as set by Yoga Alliance Professionals.
Hatha Yoga Intensive Training -New Zealand- 5years.
Holistic Therapies-Ireland 2years
Everyday Goddess Training(Sacred Sexuality)- (Trish Cameron-Lightningstar). Ireland 2years
13 Moons Celtic Iberian Shamanism – Iris Lican Online
Wild Medicine Dance Training– Iris Lican Glastonbury
Sacred Body Awakening Facilitator Training- Aleithia Sophia France
Sacred Body Deepening Facilitator Training – Aleithia Sophia France
Kundalini Bodywork- Level 1 & 2 Mallorc- Elliot Saxby
Abdominal Therapy Level 1 & 2 Ireland- Louise Crockcart
Shamanic Womb Massage – Angie Twydall Glastonbury
Female Health Yoga – Tiffany Cruikshank Online
Herbal Apprenticeship- Nikki Darrell -Ireland 1year
Moon Mother Training- Ireland-Miranda Gray. Ireland
Womb Yoga for Women’s Well Being– Uma Dinsmore Tuli. Stroud U.k.
Yoga Nidra Facilitator Training– Uma Dinsmore Tuli Yoga- Ireland
Yoga,Ayurveda,Tantra- Ireland- Chinnamasta Stiles Ireland
Vinyasa Yoga 200hr- Spain- Green Lotus Yoga. Spain
Yin Yoga- Josh Summers Spain
Ayurveda for Women’s Wellbeing- Rachel Collins
From Ancient Roots to Present- bringing goddess alive in our world today- Kathy Jones
Yoni Club- Bonnie Bliss
School of Embodied Pleasure- Bonnie Bliss
Female Pelvic Freedom- Isa Herrera
Feminine Sexual Alchemy- Universal Healing Tao Ireland
Yin Yoga- Josh summers
Through bringing together a yogic lifestyle closely connected to nature and a space for people to come and share the experience of yoga, Earthwise creates a welcoming sense of community spirit.